Schools and Transportation Programmes
School Programme
In 2020, 78.6% of students from schools in the highest deciles (deciles 9 and 10) left school with NCEA Level 3 or UE standard. This was 31.9 percentage points higher than the percentage for school leavers in deciles 1 and 2 schools (46.7%).
Schools in the lowest deciles draw their students from communities with the highest degree of socio-economic disadvantage. In Auckland, a disproportionate number attending these struggling low-decile schools are Maori or Pasifika ethnicities, already the most at-risk of poverty in our society.
During 2021 the Ted Manson Foundation trialled a school grant programme in low decile South Auckland schools. Funding assistance was provided to several schools to enable them to overcome the barriers to learning faced by students from lower socio-economic communities.
This programme was hugely successfully and is now embedded within the Ted Manson Foundation strategic plan. Education is a key determining factor of a person’s future social and economic wellbeing. It is our belief that all children should have access to high quality education and opportunities, regardless of the school they attend or the area they live in. Schools should not be the ground where the cycle of intergenerational disadvantage is perpetuated. The TMF has donated a large portion of its funding to assist with education in 15 low decile schools to date, which will increase to 25 to 30 schools over 2023.
From funding the teaching of the basics, reading, writing and maths to new playgrounds and sports events, to cultural resources and counselling services, plus providing free 12 and 30 seater vans, we have donated $800, 000 to help schools across South and West Auckland improve the wellbeing of their learners. To date there’s been particular focus on South Auckland where the foundation has existing relationships with a number of local school and other community groups.
Redhill Primary School - Students on iPads
Glen Eden Primary School, Glen Eden - New playground

NCEA Level 3 or UE standard was attained by 64.1% of Māori leavers from deciles 9 -10 schools and 35.8% of Māori leavers from decile 1-2 schools in 2020
NCEA Level 3 or UE standard was attained by 68.7% of Pacific school leavers from decile 9-10 schools and 55.4% of Pacific leavers from decile 1-2 schools in 2020
In 2020, 77.7% of European/Pākehā school leavers from decile 9-10 schools met the requirements to attain NCEA Level 3 or UE standard compared to 41.8% from decile 1-2 schools
Transportation Programme
Through engagement with our community, it was identified in 2019 by the foundation that lower decile Auckland based schools have significantly reduced access to transportation options. This impacts on the school’s ability to enrich their curriculum and enhance learning. For many schools, finding money to spend on private transport and buses makes the activity/outing cost prohibitive.
The Ted Manson Foundation has committed to the delivery of 50 vans over the next 10 years (2029), provided free of charge to low decile schools and sports clubs.
We are on track to meet this commitment with 13 vans already purchased and allocated in South and West Auckland and another 7 vans on order, arriving year end 2022. Total cost of $1,550,000 + GST.
It is our hope that this commitment will help to reduce the barriers these schools face when trying to access a greater range of teaching and learning experiences that complement and enhance student learning.
The vans are managed by the schools but are also available to specific not for profit community groups, organisations and other local schools for activities and outings.
The foundation is currently looking at what other schools and areas could benefit from such an arrangement.