Investing in our community

For a better future

Ted Manson has consistently provided substantial financial support to numerous charities, sports and community organisations over many years.

To mark the 40th Anniversary of Mansons and Ted’s 60th birthday, Ted formed the Ted Manson Foundation with the purpose of making a difference to those most in need. Ted donated $7,500,000 to the Ted Manson Foundation in July 2014 and in the first year alone the foundation received over 200 applications for funding. The Foundation enables a more co-ordinated and larger scale contribution to the Auckland Community.


In 2020, 78.6% of students from schools in the highest deciles (deciles 9 and 10) left school with NCEA Level 3 or UE standard. This was 31.9 percentage points higher than the percentage for school leavers in deciles 1 and 2 schools (46.7%).

Wellbeing, health and Whanau

The Ted Manson Foundation is committed to investment in areas of wellbeing, health, and whānau, with a focus on improving the overall wellbeing of New Zealanders and reducing iinequalities.

Community support & social inclusion

The Ted Manson Foundation is actively investing in areas that support the community, provide for enhanced social inclusion and participation and initiatives that ensure equal access to opportunity.

There are many ways to build a better community, so we actively support numerous charities, sports and community organisations to enable them to make a real impact to people's lives

We provide assistance to people and communities in need that enhance the city and provide Aucklanders with a better quality of life

At a glance


50 VANS in ten years


over $1m for st John ambulances


Working directly with over 15 schools


charities received financial aid to date


Find out how we’ve been helping Aucklanders achieve a better quality of life.